More good news

The results from my latest MRI scan are in and, writes the oncologist, the report “does confirm ongoing response within the breast which is good news”.

I currently have an MRI scan every month, after every two sessions of chemo, to check progress. The first scan showed the main mass had gone from 30mm to 20mm (Why my oncologist “couldn’t be happier”). This second scan shows this mass now measures 11mm.  The overall affected area, which last time had gone from 100mm to 90mm, is now 87mm but is “very much less intense”. You could tell by feeling that the mass had shrunk further but it’s good to have the specific details.

The oncologist sent the results through a few days ago. I would normally show a little more enthusiasm writing about good news such as this but today I am knackered. Yesterday was our older boy’s 17th birthday and I did probably overdo it a bit.

Among other things, I made our traditional lasagnabirthday meal of lasagna and garlic bread. I also insisted the boys take some birthday cake to their grandma, who lives in a care home a few miles away; grandma scoffed down the cake. For those of you who are freaking out at how unhealthy our birthday meals are, I should point out that we do always have a huge salad too (it’s there in the photo). I should also point out that grandma – my mother-in-law – has made it to the ripe old age of 93 without ever worrying about anything as trivial as a healthy diet!

Also, yesterday evening, I had a beer AND a glass of wine. In these abstemious times, that pretty much counts as binge drinking.

Incidentally, younger son was a massive help in preparing the meal. Older son refused to help “because it’s my birthday”. Fair enough, I guess, and he did hang up the washing.

9 thoughts on “More good news

  1. Hi Maureen, so pleased to hear your latest good news. I am following your articles with interest as I am in a similar situation to yourself. I am currently having FEC-T, I have had 3 FEC and starting on the T next Thursday plus Herceptin. I am also having chemo to shrink my tumour and hopefully have a lumpectomy in the New Year. I am not having MRI’s just a manual examination which the oncologist seems pleased with, it would be more re-assuring to have the MRI but it has not been offered.

    How lovely to enjoy your son’s birthday and have a few drinks, you wild thing!

    I look forward to your next instalment and any advice or tips regarding T……




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